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URS HECHT Williams Pear Schnapps

URS HECHT Williams Pear Schnapps

Beautifully ripe and yellow Williams pears are picked around the end of August and start of September by fruit farmers in Valais whilst they are still firm. They are transported to Gunzwil in wooden creates, ready to be processed by Urs Hecht. These flavoursome pears grow on medium trees that are 25 to 35 years old. Incredibly, Urs Hecht has managed to encourage the farmers he works with in Valais to plant over 1000 new pear trees in recent years. This is absolutely vital work because Williams pear trees take around ten years to start bearing fruit. There’s no better way to enjoy a Williams pear schnapps than with a delicious pear tart. But Urs Hecht also recommends trying it with a nice ice-cream or mousse.


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