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The buyer must notify us of any obvious defects within five days of receiving their delivery by sending an email to Any hidden defects must be reported by email as soon as possible and at the latest within five days of being discovered. If the buyer does not report the defects within the relevant time frame, guarantee claims will not be accepted.

Defective products need to be returned along with a copy of the invoice and a detailed description of the defect. The buyer must cover the costs of sending defective products back to the seller. If a guarantee claim is being made, the seller shall decide if a discount, replacement or refund is to be offered.

Guarantee claims cannot be made for damage for which the buyer is fully responsible, e.g. damage caused by improper handling, incorrect storage and other external factors for which the seller is not responsible. If the customer has ordered products by mistake, returns shall not be accepted and refunds shall not be offered.


Gunzwiler Destillate Urs Hecht AG Grasweg 26 | CH-6222 Gunzwil Telefon: +41 41 930 19 44

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