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URS HECHT Berner Rosen Apple Schnapps

URS HECHT Berner Rosen Apple Schnapps

The Berner Rosen is a winter apple that was discovered by chance and is only ever found in Switzerland. Urs Hecht sources this variety of apple from in and around Bern and Lucerne. The tall fruit trees the apples grow on are 30 to 60 years old and reach heights of 600 to 800 metres above sea level. The fruits are picked by hand between the end of September and the start of October. Urs Hecht has helped ensure that this less common variety of apple is still available long into the future, having encouraged the producers he works with to plant around 350 trees over the past 15 years. As you probably guessed, this beautifully delicate apple schnapps goes perfectly with a warm apple pie straight from the oven.


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