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Gunzwiler Distillates
Urs Hecht AG

From Nature with Love

“Who could be a more perfect partner...
...than Mother Nature?!”

Welcome to the world of fine fruit schnapps! We’ve perfected the art of distilling over many years. To do what we do best, we rely on the exquisite Swiss fruits growing on the tall trees right here in our region. Nature is the driving force behind our passion. The secret ingredient in our fruit schnapps. We keep things local and natural. Pure and simple.

Caring for fruit trees and planting new ones is a project spanning generations. We rely on nature through the seasons and the hard work put in by those around us. This is sustainability in action.

And then comes the distilling.


Up-to-date information about our products and tastings.

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Fruit brandy - Chocolate - Wine Beautifully packaged as a gift. For friends and family.

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The brandies of the line URS HECHT are produced only in the best fruit years. Stored for over five years in the natural cellar. Limited edition.

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Vieille Fruit Liqueurs

Vieille Fruit Liqueurs

Vieille FruchtBrände are stored for several years in barrique barrels. In the natural cellar of the family Urs Hecht deep in the ground at constant temperatures.

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Own fire Kafi Luz

Own fire Kafi Luz

Tradition and pleasure.

Genuine craftsmanship. Genuine local. Our OWN BRAND from Gunzwil LU.

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Our successful awards.

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BordsteineChromstahlpoolsCoverSeal - Schwimmbad Abdeckung CreanetEdelstahlbeckenErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenFitLine Antioxy ZellschutzFitLine Duo und Q10FrostschutzeinspülungHornetsecurity Offsite-Kopie (Cloud Backup).Mauchle PoolMaurerMicrosoft 365 BackupNilfisk SaugerPermanent Make UpPermanent Make Up - Augen PhotovoltaikanlagePrivate InnenpoolsSEO Agentur LuzernTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungTreuhand LuzernWebagentur SurseeWebdesign Luzern Sursee Zug ZürichWhirlpool, Physiotherm, WellnessZahnärzte Kalt & Willi