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After vinification, the grape marc is distilled.

Handmade with passion with our old grapperia with distillation ports of grandfather.

The grape brandy (Grappa & Marc) is stored in steel tanks. Or aged in the natural cellar of the Urs Hecht family, eleven meters below ground, for several years at a constant temperature in barriqueFAss.



Heida Veritas Marc

Heida Veritas Marc

50cl / 40% vol.
Heida Veritas Marc Barrique

Heida Veritas Marc Barrique

50cl / 40% vol.
Merlot Ticino Barrique

Merlot Ticino Barrique

multiple versions
Riesling x Sylvaner Marc

Riesling x Sylvaner Marc

50cl / 40% vol.
Ticino Merlot Grappa

Ticino Merlot Grappa

50cl / 40% vol.
Valais Gewürztraminer Marc

Valais Gewürztraminer Marc

50cl / 40% vol.

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