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DistiSuisse Award 2021/2022

At the national DistiSuisse award ceremony on 27 October in the Hotel Montana Lucerne, we received the title "Swiss Distiller of the Year 2021/2022" for the 9th time.

6 x GOLD

  • URS HECHT "The Plum" Jg. 2007
  • Heida Veritas in barrique
  • Vieille Prune in barrique
  • Vieille Williams in barrique
  • Williams Brandy Liqueur

12 x silver medals: Apple brandy URS HECHT wooden barrel, Bernerrosen apple brandy URS HECHT, Apricot brandy URS HECHT, Raspberry brandy URS HECHT, Luzerner Theilersbirnenbrand, Eichberg Kirschbrand LU, Luzerner Chrüterbrand, Honig Chrüterbrand, Plum brandy URS HECHT wooden barrel, Marc Gewürztraminer, Merlot Ticino in barrique, Marc Riesling x Sylvaner, Quince brandy URS HECHT, Kirsch Teresa in barrique, Williamsbrand URS HECHT wooden barrel.


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