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Our clear vision guides us in all that we do. We produce fine fruit schnapps products that are unique to us and of a world-class standard. We only ever use Swiss fruit. We respect nature and our local roots. No compromises accepted – we demand perfection in every last detail and never stop striving to develop and improve.


As a family business, we show our respect to nature, its fruits and the people all the way along the supply chain. We promote a culture of appreciation and gratitude.


We believe in working closely with others who are just as committed as we are. And all of our relationships with producers are based on mutual trust and respect. Collaboration is the key to achieving greatness. When it comes to our customers, the personal touch is important to us. We share a passion for nature. For the tall trees and their fruit. And for the pure and natural products made using them.


Nature is precious. Committed to acting on our corporate social responsibility, we follow the life cycle thinking approach and conserve resources. We work with our partners to play a major part in the ongoing upkeep and sustainable management of Switzerland’s unspoilt countryside where fruit grows.

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